It's just human nature to simply want to understand things, especially important things (such as your home mortgage ), so in this post we're going to explain what generally happens after you buy or refinance a home and why your loan may be "sold". First of all, the vast majority of mortgage lenders will only fund loans that either "conform" to Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac underwriting guidelines (these are called conventional conforming loans), OR meet the minimum standards set forth by FHA, VA, or USDA (these loans are backed by the government with "insurance" or a limited "guarantee" against default). By only funding these types of loans , rest assured the mortgage lender can turn around and sell the loan to Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or Ginnie Mae (Ginnie Mae typically buys government loans). But what does it mean to "sell" a loan? First, we must must take a step back and think about what a mortgage loan actually i
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